Volunteers are needed in order to have a successful season. PLYF has a board and member information can be found
here. The board is always looking for parents to volunteer and help the board and the league.
Each team is led by a head coach with up to 5 assistant coaches, a team parent, a business manager, and an equipment manager or trainer. These 9 positions are imperative to running a successful team. All volunteers must submit the required documentation and be approved by Point Loma Youth Football.
Volunteer Requirements
Before interacting with our players, we want to assure you that all volunteers must complete and pass:
(1) background check through Live Scan
(2) Provide a color photocopy of a valid ID card
All coaches mush complete required physical safety training. All head coaches mush be CPR certified. It is our goal to have ALL coaches CPR certified. Members of the board also complete safety training and CPR certification.
* Link to CDC concussion training:
https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/training/index.html *Link to USA football training:
https://footballdevelopment.com/courses-certifications/Please consider volunteering to be a part of PLYF! Email us at
[email protected] if you are interested in helping with our league!