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Point Loma Youth Football

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q:  Who should I contact if I have questions?

A:  Email us at [email protected] if you have questions.  A league representative will get back to you within 48 hours. 

Q: How can I stay informed?

A:  Click here to subscribe to our email list for important announcements.  Click here to follow us on Facebook. Click here to follow us on Instagram.

Q: Does the league practice player safety?

A: Yes! Safety is our top priority.  Most parents don’t know that despite being a contact sport, youth football has fewer injuries than youth soccer. Player safety is integrated into our whole program.  Click here to visit our Safety page to learn more about PLYF’s safety measures.

Q: Is tackle football right for my child?

A:  Any parent involved with this program will tell you it’s an incredible experience for the whole family. It does much more than develop football skills.  It develops leaders with good academic performance and tools for success in life.  Players are instilled with a strong sense of community and the principles of good sportsmanship, leadership, dedication, and teamwork.

Q:  When does the season start and how long does it run?

A: Practices start July 15th. Games start Aug. 16. Games can run to mid-November depending on playoffs. 

Q:  What are key dates?

A:  If you’re a new player, make sure to subscribe to our email list to keep informed about key dates.  You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Key milestones are summarized below.

  • March – Voluntary off-season Sunday morning workouts begin 
  • March 15th – Early Bird registration opens
  • April 16th- Regular Registration opens
  • April 27th & June 1st – Uniform Fitting
  • May 18th- Helmet & Pads fitting with rep from Riddell
  • June – Last document collection
  • June 16th- Late Registration starts
  • June 29th– voluntary off-season Sunday morning workouts end
  • June 30th- Last day for sign-ups and to report your uniform size. 
  • July 14th- Wrist Band Day
  • July 15th – Start of practices
  • August 9th - MANDATORY Certification Day (Tentative Date-will confirm)
 Q:  What division should I register my child?

A:  National Pop Warner provides divisions for ages 5-14.  Players are separated by age to match them by maturity. Click here for the current division matrix.

Q:  How much does it cost?

A: Flag Registration dates and fees are: 
Early registration [register by April 15th]: $250
Regular registration [register April 16th - June 15th]: $300
Late registration [June 16th - June 30th]: $350
Sibling Discount: $25

A: Tackle registration dates and fees are: 
Early registration [register by April 15th]: $425 
Regular registration [register April 16th - June 15th]: $500
Late registration [June 16th - June 30th]: $525
Sibling Discount: $25

Registration fees include participation for one player, 1 reversible game jersey, 1 pair of game pants, and 1 t-shirt and pair of shorts. Helmets & shoulder pads and other gear and apparel are the responsibility of the participant.  When registering please upload a photo of your child from shoulders up with NO hat or glasses. You MUST upload a photo to be able to complete registration.

Scholarship opportunities are available. Please reach out to [email protected]

Q:  What information is needed to register my child?

A: There are several required documents needed to complete registration.  Forms are now signed online during registration. There are two documents that will be needed before registration is complete. 


  • Photocopy of Birth Certificate (if you are new to the league, please bring the original for us to verify as well as the photocopy) Returning players from last season I have your B.C.
  • Photocopy of 2024-2025 school year FINAL Report Card (must have final grades for the year)

Q: What do I need to purchase?

A:  Flag: Cleats and water bottle or thermos for practice.

A:  Tackle

  • Cleats
  • Mouth guard (buy a couple)
  • compression shorts
  • Shoulder pads
  • Certified helmet
  • Practice jerseys (2 recommended)
  • Padded practice pants
  • Large water bottle or thermos for practice

Q: Where are games and how far do we have to travel?

A:  PLYF hosts 3-5 home games per season at Point Loma High School.  At least half of the games are at visiting locations around the county.  Driving times can be between 15 to 60 minutes.  CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL ASSOCIATIONS

Q: Where are practices?

A: Practices are at Correia Middle School.  

Q: How often do teams practice?

A: Tackle - teams typically practice 5-days a week through August. Practice will drop to 3-days a week following the Labor Day weekend.

A: Flag - teams typically practice 3-days a week through August. Practice will drop to 2-days a week following the Labor Day weekend.

Q: How long are practices?

A: Tackle - 2 hours

A: Flag - 1.5 hours

Q:  Will the time commitment impact school work?

A:  Pop Warner Football and PLYF emphasize academics and good grades. It’s a requirement to be part of a team.  You will often hear players respond in unison, “Yes coach!” when coaches tell their team to get their school work done.  Players learn to complete school work before practice. The time commitment and structure often-times helps kids to stay focused and do better in school.

Q:  Does every player make it onto a team?

A: Teams are limited to 35 players.  Registration is open to returning players first.  After returning players, registration is open up to new players on a first come, first serve basis.  If a player doesn't make a team, they will be put onto a wait list for players to drop out or for a second team if there are enough players and a coach.

Q:  Will my child get playing time?

A: Players are guaranteed a minimum of 8-12 plays per game.  This is checked each game by volunteers from both teams.  Players earn more playing time as they learn the game and improve their football skills.

Q: Is there post season championship play?

A: Yes!  Teams play for standings during the regular season based on their record.

Q: Will football interfere with other sports?

A: Football players are good athletes, and many compete in multiple sports.  There are a lot of baseball players in PLYF and many participate in Fall ball at either Peninsula Baseball or Point Loma Baseball leagues. Work with your team's coaches to find a balance that works for your individual player.

Q: What can my son do in the off season to improve as a player?

A: PLYF encourages off-season sports to further football skill development.  Recommended sports include Havoc Track & Field, Mustangs or Wallabies Rugby, and Spring NFL Flag.  In addition, PLYF runs voluntary off-season Sunday workouts beginning in March.  Please click here to visit our Coaches Corner page for links to other youth sports organizations and training resources.  

Q: Can I help out?

A: Yes!  Volunteers are needed throughout the season in order to have a successful season.

Q: Can I sponsor a team?

A: Absolutely!  The league depends on sponsorship donations to operate each season and to minimize registration fees.  Sponsorship is a great opportunity for local businesses to gain exposure while giving back to the community.  Please email [email protected] 

Q: What if I want a refund?

A:  A 50% refund will be applied until July 14th

A:  As of July 15th, no refund will be issued

*** Military families who are unable to maintain participation in PLYF at any time due to their obligations to the US Military are entitled to a full refund at any time, if required. A copy of the reassignment orders shall be required to process this type of refund.

Q: Does Point Loma Youth Football have a cheer team? 

A: YES! We are pleased to announce we will be having a cheer team for ages 5-13. Please email our Cheer Director for more information [email protected]

Point Loma Youth Football

3639 Midway Drive Suite B, #267
San Diego, California 92110
Email : [email protected]
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